Water Crisis, Climate Change and Water Scarcity: A Double Threat to Our Planet

Water War: Is There Enough for Everyone?

Reading time : 1 minute, Discovery Chepe Id-321-ECO
Published in 03-24-2023

water crisis

H2O, hydrogen and oxygen combine to create life, a vital component in the development of the Earth. It is found in different ways, but unfortunately, water supplies are running low.

Water is running out, this is very serious, and let's be clear, in hundreds of cities around the world it is already a problem to supply water for its inhabitants, maybe the same thing happens in the place where you live today. Let's get to the point:
1- Planet Earth is covered by 71% water on its surface, we are talking about 326 million cubic miles of water.
2- 97% of all this water is found in the oceans, 320 million cubic miles of salt water (not for human consumption).

Water panorama is complicated, how much do we have left?

3- Therefore we only have 3% of fresh water left or for human consumption.
4- Of that 3%, 2.5% is not available, that is, a part is found in the glaciers, in very deep areas of the earth and in the atmosphere, it would be very expensive to extract it..
5- Therefore, we have 0.5% of potable and treatable water for us.

It looks scary, but the numbers are cold, now as a conclusion, let's look at the following table:

Oceans 97.2%
Ice surface 2.0%
Water in ground 0.62%
Lakes 0.009%
Salty Lakes 0.008%
Atmosphere 0.001%
Rivers 0.0001%
TOTAL 99.8381%

As conclusion and without anything new, let's take care of the water, it would be a catastrophe to run out of it, and without a doubt, a world war would break out for the vital liquid. .
We'd like to recomend the web site Bureau of Reclamation for more information, and Naciones Unidasso that you can learn more about the challenges that water for human consumption will face in the coming years.

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