Xoloitxcuintle, symbol of the culture and history of Mexico

The Aztecs’ guardian

This specimen, also known as xoloitzcuintl, is a breed native of Mexico with a history of more than 3500 years. The xoloitzcuintle is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.

In Aztec culture, it was considered a sacred animal. These dogs were belived to be the guardians of the living and the guides of the souls of the dead on their journey to the underworld. For his reason, the xoloitzcuintles were buried next to their owners.

Xoloitzcuintle, the mexican sacred dog

Today, the xoloitzcuintle remains an important symbol of Mexican culture. These dogs are considered a symbol of loyalty, faithfulness and protection.
The xoloitzcuintle is a medium-sized dog, with a height of between 35 and 50 centimeters. Its body is thin and muscular, and its head is triangular with erect ears. The most distinctive feature of the xoloitzcuintle is its skin. These dogs can be completely hairless, or have a short, fine coat. The color of their skin can vary from black to withe, through red, brown and yellow. He is also an intelligent and affectionate dog. It is a good companion for families with children, and is a protective watchdog.

Xoloitzcuintles are relatively easy dogs to care for. They do not require regular brushing, as they do not have hair. However, it is important to protect its skin from exposure to the sun and cold.
In fact, is a relatively rare breed of dog. However, in recent years it has gained popularity around the world. In conclusion, the Mexican dog is a unique and special animal that represents an important part of the culture and history of Mexico. These dogs are loyal companions and protective guardians, and are and excellent choice for families with children.

The ancestors of the xoloitzcuintle arrived in America with the first Asian emigrants. These dogs adapted to the hot, dry climate of Mexico, and developed a sparse coat to protect themselves from the sun.

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