Can My Pet Get COVID? Answers to Your Top Questions

Coronavirus and pets: Separating Fact from Fiction

Reading time : 1 minute, Discovery Chepe Id-313-ECO
Published in 07-24-2021 Update 01-06-2023

pet and covid-19

All animals can transmit bacteria to humans and vice versa. In the case of COVID-19 the medical and scientific community continues to learn and discover the possible variants and causes of this disease.

The scientific and medical community in the world is still learning causes that originate COVID-19 and talking about pets, it has been determined that in some situations virus can be transmitted to animals, especially during contact with infected people. Not a very large number of animals in the world have been known to be infected with the virus, but cats and dogs are included.

pets and covid

Pets and COVID-19, could they be infected?

If you are infected with COVID-19 or suspect of the virus, you should avoid any type of contact with your pets or another animal just as you do with other people. Ask another member of your family to take care of your pet while the infection persist, do not kiss the animal, do not caress it, do not share food, and do not sleep in the same bed. If only you can care of the animal, wear a mask and wash your hands after interacting with it.

What to do if my pet is suspected of being infected with COVID-19?

Like people, an animal infected with this virus may not show symptoms, and most of them also recover quickly. But if you suspicions are real and the symptoms are obvious, consult your vet. Obviously take the appropriate measures, avoid contact, call your vet, do not go personally.
Depending on the severity of your pet, your vet will recommend isolation either at home or in the pet hospital. Remember that this is a new virus, and that the scientific community is still learning about it. Do not take your pet for a walk, do not visit parks, aesthetics and other services that are offered for the care of animals until your veterinarian tells you, your pet must be isolated from other pets and obviously from other people as well.

Coronavirus and pets: Separating Fact from Fiction

It is very important that you watch your pet for the main symptoms of COVID-19 while it is in treatment and isolation:

1.- Fever
2.- Cough
3.- Difficulty breathing
4.- Sneezing
5.- Runny nose
6.- Vomiting
7.- Diarrhea
8.- Irritated eyes

The Instructions given by your veterinarian are vital to the health of your pet, and you must detect if the animal improves or worsens, so that you can maintain communication with him. Remember that all animals have germs and can make human beings sick, and as a precaution we must establish some habits to keep the pet and ourselves healthy. Always wash your hands after having contact with the animal, clean your pets, maintain hygiene practices with them, you can talk to your veterinarian about this, because not all animals can be applied the same measures.

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