Would you like to get over an Ex?

Effective tips to heal a broken heart

Almost everyone has suffered a situation like that any time, no doubt!, we know this is a painful stage in our lives, our routine changes, plans, and setted projects are seriously affected. Let’s jump into theses advices to move on as soon as possible:

1- To accept.- It is not easy, to admit she or he doesn´t love you any more or doesn´t love you fairly enough, however this is a great steep. In those moments it isn´t so easy and through the days you will know this effort will have been worth it.

After painful and suffering, you can be happy again, surely, you’ll see the past smiling.


How to get over an ex, follow these affective tips

2- Don´t beg, don´t pray.- Any doubt? Do not to call, Do not ask, no messages, Not e-mails, if your ex call you, it’s time see advice number three.

3- Avoid communication with you ex.- Obviously, do not talk to him/her any more, maybe will need change your phone numbers, social media accounts, or block social accounts. This is a fundamental steep to move on as soon as possible, avoid contact with her/his relatives too. Keep away from any information about your ex.

4- Underestimate yourself is forbidden.- You own values, it is not your fault, it’s not a flop, this is only an experience to be a mature and wise person about your behavior and spirituality.

Suffering and sadness are latent situations in our life, we must be emotionally prepared and educated to face and drive them on healthy ways.

5- Avoid random relations ships.- Don not do that to forget your ex, this can you feel worse than before, take your time! There are other healthy ways.

6- Change your life style.- What would you like to do? What kind of activities do you like? Sports, arts, science, cooking, dance, etc. There are a lot of passions on life! It’s time to take a decision on this topic.

7- What about memories?.- Memories always bring back in our head, therefore it’s time to destroy photos, letters, messages, gifts, don´t visit places that you use to visit with your ex, keep your mind working on different activities that never do before.

8- Love again.- Why not? Don’t avoid this possibility, get to know new people, life can surprise you again, spring can come full of light, full of hopes and illusion to your soul, to your life. Some people say: -Best moment to love again, it is when you don´t need it.-