Axolotl Endangered: Why is Mexico's salamander is in Danger?
Mexican Axolotl: A Species on the Brink
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Salamanders are fascinating animals that belong to the group of amphibians, and the axolotl is one of them. They usually have an elongated body, similar to a lizard, but without scales. Their skin is moist and slimy, and many have striking colors such as black with yellow spots.
The Mexican axolotl, that peculiar salamander with the ability to regenerate limbs, is in a critical situation due to a combination of factors that have significantly deteriorated its habitat and threatened its survival.
The main reasons why the axolotl is in danger of extinction are:
1- Loss and degradation of its habitat :
a) Drying up of Lake Xochimilco: Lake Xochimilco, the ancestral home of the axolotl, has suffered a drastic reduction in size due to urbanization, the construction of canals and the extraction of water for agricultural and industrial use.
b) Water pollution: The introduction of industrial, domestic and agricultural waste has contaminated the waters of the lake, affecting water quality and the availability of oxygen for the axolotl.
c) Introduction of invasive species: Fish species such as tilapia and carp, introduced into the lake, compete for food with the axolotl and prey on its eggs and larvae.
2- Overexploitation:
a) Illegal trade : The demand for axolotls as pets has led to the illegal capture of these animals, reducing their wild populations.
b) Human consumption: In the past, the axolotl was consumed as food by some local communities, which also contributed to its decline.
3- Climate change:
Rising water temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns affect the reproduction and development of the axolotl.
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Consequences of the extinction of the axolotl:
1- Loss of biodiversity: The axolotl is a unique and emblematic species of Mexico. Its extinction would represent an irreparable loss for the biodiversity of the planet.
2- Impact on the ecosystem: The axolotl plays an important role in the ecosystem of Lake Xochimilco, controlling the populations of other species. Its disappearance could unbalance the ecosystem and affect other species.
3- Loss of scientific knowledge: The regenerative capacity of the axolotl makes it a model organism for scientific research. Its extinction would limit the possibilities of studying and understanding this biological phenomenon.

In 2021, the Bank of Mexico introduced a new family of banknotes, and one of them stands out for its design: the 50-peso bill, which features a beautiful aquatic ecosystem with the axolotl as the protagonist on its reverse side.
What is being done to protect the axolotl?
There are various efforts to protect the axolotl and its habitat, including:
a) Creation of sanctuaries and nature reserves: Protected areas have been established to preserve the axolotl's habitat and encourage its reproduction in captivity.
b) Captive breeding programs: Various institutions and organizations work on the reproduction of axolotls in captivity with the goal of reintroducing them into their natural habitat.
c) Environmental education: Awareness campaigns are carried out to inform the population about the importance of protecting the axolotl and its habitat.
d) Scientific research: Studies are carried out to better understand the biology of the axolotl and develop more effective strategies for its conservation.
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